Color | 8-10 Min | 2021
Oculus Quest 1 / 2
AstoriaVR is now available for download at Steam Store and VIVEPORT!
Hang out with us at the BETA Konferenz in Leisnig and experience AstoriaVR at the exhibition! The venue is organized by KREATIVES SACHSEN.
30.03. – 29.05.2023
AstoriaVR is on display at the Industriemuseum Chemnitz as part of the fabulous WerkSchau!
Hang out with us at the Mitteldeutsche Medientage in Leipzig and experience AstoriaVR at our exhibition booth at Halle 14!
Also check out the animated documentary Hotel Astoria!
AstoriaVR is part of the Online Marketing Challenge organized by IOSax – Internationalisierungsoffensive Sachsen, SEPT Competence Center and KREATIVES SACHSEN.
AstoriaVR wins the Silver Award at the Games Innovation Award Saxony 2021 in the category „Beste Gamification“!
10. – 14.11.2021
AstoriaVR is part of the VR-Exhibition VR FEST MX in Mexico
12. – 17.10.2021
AstoriaVR is part of the VR-Exhibition ATAFF Alexandre Trauner Art/Film Festival in Hungary
13. – 28.09.2021
AstoriaVR is part of the VR-Exhibition Chaniartoon – International Comic & Animation Festival in Greece
!! PREMIERE !! AstoriaVR celebrates its premiere at the KURZSUECHTIG Festival
The doors are open from 2 – 6 pm at the VR-Exhibition in Halle 14, Leipziger Baumwollspinnerei
AstoriaVR is presented at DOKVILLE in Stuttgart on the Panel: „AngeDOKt – Dokumentarfilm trifft interaktive Medien“ / Case Study: „Hotel Astoria“ und „AstoriaVR“. The event is also available as live stream.
23. – 30.05.2021
AstoriaVR has a Sneak Preview at the Internationalen Kurzfilmwoche in Regensburg in the virtual WebXR Hub!
The former barkeeper from the legendary Hotel Astoria night club welcomes you with a drink and takes you on a journey through time to GDR of the 1980s: You enter the dancefloor from the lost place of today and continue into the year 1986 – velvet sofas, cigarette smoke, synthesizer, green cocktails. And the Stasi …
AstoriaVR reconstructs this legendary place, long since demolished, down to the last detail and thus brings it back to life. In the interactive app we experience a night in this night bar. Using Point&Click, we dance on the dance floor, listen to and overhear stories and conversations, discover objects from the past and create our own picture of the time. And the Stasi? It sits hidden in the corner and writes its reports …
The app is a combination of stereoscopic 360° CG-renderings with interactive elements, overlays, audios and stereoscopic footage of protagonists integrated into the environment for a mobile device, the Oculus Quest.
Der ehemalige Barkeeper der Nachtbar des legendären Hotel Astoria in Leipzig begrüßt uns mit einem Drink und nimmt uns mit auf eine Zeitreise in die DDR der 1980er Jahre: Aus dem Lost Place betreten wir die Edelstahltanzfläche oder sitzen auf samtüberzogenen Sofas: Zigarettenrauch, Synthesizer, grüne Cocktails. Und die Stasi …
AstoriaVR rekonstruiert diesen sagenumwobenen, längst abgerissenen Ort bis ins Detail und lässt es so wieder aufleben. In der interaktiven App erleben wir eine Nacht in dieser Nachtbar. Mittels Point&Click tanzen wir auf der Tanzfläche, hören und überhören Geschichten und Gespräche, entdecken Objekte aus der Vergangenheit und machen uns selbst ein Bild von der damaligen Zeit. Und die Stasi? Die sitzt versteckt in der Ecke und schreibt ihre Berichte …
Die App verbindet interaktive Elemente, Overlays, Fotos, Audios und streoskopische Realfilmaufnahmen mit vorgerenderten stereoskopischen 360° CG-Renderings auf einem Mobile Device (Oculus Quest).
Written & Directed by
Alina Cyranek & Falk Schuster
VR-App Programming
blendFX | Sebastian König | Simeon Conzendorf | Falk Johnke
Sound design, Music & Sound Mix
Florian Marquardt
Narrator & Voice Overs
Jana Hemker | Ines Heinrich-Frank | Nils Dreschke
Audio Recording
Florian Marquardt | Christoph Fleischer
hug films – Alina Cyranek, Falk Schuster
Produced by


Supported by East Doc Interactive 2019 / Institute of Documentary Film
This project was part of story:first 2017